Art Deco Gaming Area
Our gaming operation is grounded in strong venue partnerships,
up to date gaming rooms and exemplary compliance practises.
We invest in new equipment, technology, training and compliance
tools to maximise your gaming experience

Responsible Gambling Policy
As a responsible Class 4 gaming operator, the Napier RSA will seek to apply the relevant principles of harm reduction through a Public Health framework and seek to present a safe and supportive gaming environment to our members , affiliated members, guests and visitors.
The Napier RSA acknowledges that harm is not limited to people who experience problem gambling, but to the wider family. The Napier RSA seeks to provide a leading practice responsible gambling environment that minimises harm to individuals and to the broader community.
The implementation of the Gambling Code enables management and team members to meet the need of all our customers with a particular focus on those customers who are affected by gambling.
Napier RSA
Responsible Gambling Code
Napier RSA is committed to supporting the development and maintenance of a Culture of Care for customers at our venue:
1. Encouraging Staff to provide a safe environment for gambling customers and to interact with
customers in a respectful manner.
2. Venue displays signage, including posters to meet legal obligations. Harm Minimisation resources readily available.
3. All staff who work in the gaming area have been trained in the latest Harm Minimisation Standards, which is effective From December 2023.
4. Encourage our staff to monitor the gaming area, checking for gamblers displaying actual or potential signs of harm.
5. Regular area sweeps are carried out as per the maximum recommendations required by DIA.
6. The venue has a policy to regularly check the Harm Minimisation Register for entries and to take
the appropriate actions.
7. Napier RSA will be continually reviewing and improving systems and processes and adopting the utilisation of technology where appropriate.
8. Provide the free Gambling Helpline numbers:
0800 654 655 / FREE Txt 8806
Office (06) 835 7629
Club (06) 835 1034
Email: reception@rsanapier.co.nz
Self Exlusion Order
If you have concerns about the amount of money you are spending on gaming machines and wish to be Excluded from the gaming area of any of the Napier RSA venue/s, we have a legal process that enables our venue operation to ban you from playing our machines.
A Self-Exclusion Order is an agreement between and individual and the venue whereby, for a agreed period for up to two years, venue staff will prohibit the individual from entering the gaming area, and may instigate Trespass proceeding, if necessary. All Napier RSA Venue Managers can assist with the completion of a Self-Exclusion form.
Self-Exclusion Process
Visit the venue and ask the Manager to complete the form with you. Or, download the form from this website and complete all sections. Then take it to the venue, or post it to the venue to sign the bottom section.
Please note:
To effectively administer the Self Exclusion Order, the venue also requires a clear, current photo of the person seeking Self Exclusion.
If you have any queries about this process, please contact the Napier RSA Operations Manager Tracy Gempton on (06) 835 7629 Ext 715 or Cell 021 515 520

Complaints Procedure
Complaints about the Conduct of Class 4 Gambling
Grant Applications
Should you have a complaint about a Grant Application made to the Napier RSA, it should be in writing and addressed to:
Grants Committee
Napier RSA
PO Box 253
Napier 4140
The Trust will acknowledge receipt of you complaint by mail. Your complaint will be investigated by the Trust Office Holders within 14 days of receipt. The Trust will then write to you within 21 days of receipt, informing you of its decision.
Department of Internal Affairs
Anyone can make a complaint to the Secretary of Internal Affairs about how gaming machines are run in Gaming Venues. The Secretary must investigate this complaint. If the complainant is unhappy about the way the Secretary handled the complaint, the complainant can complain to the Gambling Commission. The Gambling Commission will consider this matter and will report to the Minister of Internal Affairs if necessary.
Postal Address
Secretary of the Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 10-095
Wellington 6143
Or send your complaint by email to: complaints@dia.govt.nz
As gaming machines generate the funding distribution of the Napier RSA, we are obligated to be actively involved in preventing and minimising the effects of PROBLEM GAMBLING.
We do this in partnership with our venues, through in-house training for operators and their staff.
Grant Application
To receive a grant application form, please enter your details below and you will receive an email with a pdf form and details on how to submit.