- WHEN -
Every Tuesday, 12.30pm
The Napier RSA Housie was formed in 2004 for the high demand of people wanting a cozy, local and inviting place to enjoy this fun game.
The organisers have been part of the furniture from the beginning and welcome new players from around the region. Socially this game includes friends, family and neighbours.
With the use of modern technology the players enjoy a consistent and active games. With our team you can enjoy this game and win.
Housie operates within the Napier RSA gambling regulations and are required to pay a minimum of 70% of entry money back as prize money.
We welcome all new players to come and join us every Tuesday 12.30pm start allow us to be finished around 3.00pm.
Our games work out to be an average of 10 cents a game - $4 per card for 40 games.