Indoor Bowls
- WHEN -
Mondays, 5pm - Juniors & Learners
Tuesdays, 10.30am - IHC teams
Tuesdays 1.30pm - Club Players
The Napier RSA Indoor Bowls Adjunct was reformed on the 25th May 1995 with 12 people.
This is a great recreational sport for all ages and skill set. Each game and competitive player will get you thinking, much like chess. As with many of the Sports groups we too enjoy hosting visiting clubs and our annual trips away. We are all part of the team that fundraises and organises competitions.
Many hands make light work with a team like ours. Regular weekly games are held on the Napier RSA dancefloor every Monday afternoon 5pm with our juniors and learners, Tuesday mornings 10.30am with IHC teams, Tuesday afternoons 1.30pm club day for our players who enjoy friendly and competitive games.
Everyone is welcome to participate in our games and we do recommend bringing friends. Indoor bowls is only the beginning to a great friendship.